Solder Strength and Bonus Benefits
Coatings for maximum soldering effectiveness, plus attributes that add value
While many metal coatings will accept soldering, few offer the wealth of extra application advantages found at Electro-Coatings. Each choice yields a mix of benefits that lower unit cost, improve product durability or maintain adherence to the tightest dimensional tolerances.
Behind each solderable coating stands a knowledgeable Electro-Coatings applications specialist, ready with data and recommendations that strike the best balance between performance, quality and cost-effectiveness.
Soldering to Copper Plating
Copper is also used to fill surface imperfections in base metal, which creates smooth, even surfaces that readily accept soldering or coverage with other coatings or platings. Polishing copper is quick and easy, further improving smoothness and solderability.
Soldering to Sulfamate Nickel
Sulfamate Nickel coatings by Electro-Coatings perform double duty, improving the quality and cost-effectiveness of a component while preparing it as a solder medium.
Soldering to Nye-Kote™
Nye-Kote™ is an electroless nickel coating that solders easily, while providing valuable strength and protection to the base component.
Soldering to Kanigen®
The nickel/phosphorus composition of Kanigen® readily accepts a solder joint, and is often applied to metal substrates that are less favorable to a solder bond. Kanigen® delivers exceptional bond strength, high ductility and unvarying performance in high temperature environments, assuring a strong electrical connection in adverse conditions.

Copper Plating
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Chrome Coatings
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High Phosphorus Electroless Plating (Nye-Kote™)
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